Paleo Kit Sampler Pack Giveaway!

Update: Thanks for all the shares! The giveaway is now closed.

This weekend marked the three-year anniversary of the Paleo Kit.

The Paleo Kit family is important to me. They’re important because they give a shit about “Paying it Forward,” and that’s rare. So rare it’s almost unheard of.

What happens when you read something like this – something that happened in your community?

…[a 17-year old boy] was shot in the face last year. He was walking home around 10pm at night when 3 adult males jumped out of the car to rob him. They threw him on the sidewalk, stole his cell phone, wallet and money and proceeded to kick the living daylights out of him…

…Luckily he survived that day, although his friend was not as lucky when he was attacked a few months later by the same group of heartless, spineless and ruthless group notoriously known as the Stick-Up Boys.” 

When you read such things, do you shake your head? Read it out loud so your husband/wife/dog can be disgusted too? Do you change the channel? Turn the page?

Or do you start training, supporting, mentoring, and providing a safe place for victimized, poorly protected, at-risk youth to go?

Because that’s what Steve Liberati did. In fact, that story wasn’t some sad clip from the local paper.  That story was recounted by the victim’s sister, who finds a safe place to train – to exist – at Steve’s Club.

Steve’s Club provides athletic training and mentorship to at-risk youth. It opens doors, changes lives, and creates mentally strong, goal-oriented youth.

So pardon me if I haven’t told you about Steve’s Original before.

Steve’s Original products (originally, the Paleo Kit; now a whole line of Paleo-friendly, crap-free products) were created to support the mission of Steve’s Club (and now Steve’s Club National Program).

A brief history of Steve’s Club and the Paleo Kit can be found here.

Let’s each try to introduce one more person to the mission of Steve’s Club by doing a Sampler Pack Giveaway (worth over $30 bucks). Here’s how you enter:

1) If you haven’t already, “Like” Cave Girl Eats and Paleo Kits on Facebook.

2) “Share” this post to your own profile FROM FACEBOOK by clicking “share.” Let’s tell as many people as possible about the mission of Steve’s Club.

The winner will be chosen at random from those who’ve shared. I’ll know who shared because Facebook tells me:

12 Comments to “Paleo Kit Sampler Pack Giveaway!”

  1. Please pick me 🙂 and good luck everyone!

  2. Would love the sampler pack! I’m brand new to all this paleo stuff, but learning a lot and I know it’s changing my body for the better! 🙂 Could use all the help I can get!

    carrie from (gingerlemongirl at gmail dot com)

  3. I shared and would love to win this as I am trying to see if this is for me!

  4. Still in the extreme beginning of the learning stage on this one…but very interested!!

  5. Yelle here from The Cave Girls: Elle and Elle and we are reposting on our blog & facebook group!

  6. Thanks for your support everyone! I will announce the winner on Friday!

  7. Hello I new to paleo but I love it! Could really use some snacks to stay on track. Hopefully I win….

  8. This is pretty awesome!

  9. I would love the to sample these great paleo kits it’s something hard to stay on track but if you have the right tools you can do it. I hope I win

  10. I liked and shared. Great to hear of such a great company!

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